Hey folks!

Thanks for following the development of our game, Under(her)tail: Love and Lust!

I have a few updates to share for the game’s progress…

  1. Making our vision clear: what’s this game about?
  2. Deadline for Ruins demo: March 2023
  3. TWO new music tracks: Ruins theme (Loved and Lost) and battle theme (Down and Dirty)
  4. Art/Writing feature: Peddles the Flower

…As well as updates for the server itself:

  1. We are now the official Under(her)tail server, with TheWill’s blessing
  2. Monsters of the Month contest officially on hold until further notice

Making our vision clear: what’s this game about?

Under(her)tail: Love and Lust intends to build on the structure of the original Undertale, with new and interesting changes on top:

Here are some of the keywords that the game uses, and their meaning: